Thursday, December 17, 2009


The crystallographic assignment is one assignment in PHT110 Image Communications, a course intended to teach two-dimensional design to photography students. One of the goals of the course is to help students realize how articulate space itself can be. So this assignment has a triple-pronged intent:

 to train the eye to see subject matter where it might not have looked for it in the past

 to allow the students to use their photographic skills

 to design a larger space that will allow their photography it’s maximum potential.

 (There’s also a subversive intent; to intimidate the student with polysyllabic words! But we don’t admit that up front.)

The outline of the assignment has the student choose an object. They then must photograph at least nine different examples of that object and arrange the nine photographs in a grid. Some leeway is granted in the interpretation of the assignment as the examples will attest. After all, design has a way of taking charge.

The following examples show the diversity and range of the human imagination even when tethered to a set of conditions. They are imaginative, creative and humourous.

Fletcher O'Grady
Instructor, Photographic Technology

Desiree Abt

Leah Bignell

Shawn Gilhespy

Dwayne Martineau

Delain Witzaney

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